
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Support the @SHRMFoundation, and get one of @SHRMCallieZ's books #SHRM #HR

Last year, we lost a shining light in HR - Callie Zipple - to stomach cancer at the far too young age of 32 (and you can read my thoughts about her from a previous blogpost here).  As a student and as a representative of SHRM, she was always striving to advance the profession and make HR better.

I was contacted by her parents last week wondering if I could find a home for the HR and business books she had accumulated over the years. Given her push for HR education, and the recent announcement by the SHRM Foundation to create a student scholarship in her name for future HR leaders, I thought the best use might be to help support the scholarship through support for SHRM Foundation.  

So, here's the deal.  If you make a donation (no matter how large or small) to the SHRM Foundation in 2020, and send an email to me at with some proof of donation, I will send you one of the books from Callie's collection (while supplies last) free of charge.  You can make a donation to the SHRM Foundation here.

I have 54 books to send out...can we find 54 kind donors to help support HR research and education?