
Thursday, July 2, 2009


As should be customary, an introduction is in order. My name is Matthew Stollak and I am an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at St. Norbert College (SNC). I received tenure in 2006.

I received my undergraduate degree in Economics and Urban Policy from James Madison College at Michigan State University, my Masters in Management of Human Services from the Heller School at Brandeis University, and my Ph.D. in Human Resource Management from the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (now the School of Labor and Employment Relations) at the University of Illinois.

I have taught a variety of Business and Human Resource Management-related classes at SNC, Ohio University, and Mississippi State University, including: Foundations of Human Resource Management, Strategic Compensation, Labor Relations, Foundations of Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, and Statistics for Business and Economics.

I have also been active as a volunteer at the local, state, regional, and national level of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) for over 10 years:
  1. At the local level, I served on the Green Bay Area SHRM Board as President-Elect, President, and Past-President from 2006-2008, earning Chapter Member of the Year Honors in 2008. I also serve as the Chapter Advisor for the SNC Student Chapter. Our student chapter has earned the Superior Merit Award for the past six years, including a top 10 chapter award in 2007. In addition, the SNC SHRM chapter won the Regional HR Games in 2003 and 2004, and were national co-champions in 2003. I also was named Student Chapter Advisor of the Year in 2006.
  2. At the state level, I have served as the WI SHRM College Relations Director from 2002-2005 and the WI SHRM Foundation Director from 2005-2008. I currently serve as the District Director for the Northeast Region of Wisconsin and the co-chair of the 2009 WI SHRM State Conference, which will take place October 14-16 at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells (Register now! Early bird rates still available!).
  3. At the regional level, I served as the Area IV College Relations Director from 2002-2004
  4. At the national level, I served as a member of the SHRM College Relations Committee from 2002-2004, and have served as a judge at several national HR Games.
I have had articles published in Small Group Research, Employee Assistance Quarterly, the Western Journal of Human Resource Management, and recently earned a best paper award form the Business Economics Instititute Conference.

And, in full disclosure, I have never worked a day in human resource management. Whether that serves to diminish my creditability despite the above credentials is up to you, my constant reader (as Dorothy Parker used to write). I know I do not know a great many things. Any errors that I make in the writing of this blog are mine.

On with the blog....


  1. I didn't know you are the proud owner of a PhD!

    We love it when the theory meets the practical aspects of HR. This blog will be great. Congrats on jumping into the pool!

  2. Yep...piled higher and deeper, as the blog will soon demonstrate.
