
Monday, August 20, 2012

Pet Peeve #27 on How Television and Movies Portray the Workplace

I like Aaron Sorkin shows and movies.  I watched "The West Wing" and "Sports Night" regularly.    I thought "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" was an interesting mistake.  I enjoyed the script for "The Social Network."

However, in watching his latest endeavor, "The Newsroom,"  he is guilty of using a device that drives me up the wall....having private conversations in front of other co-workers.

Whether it is about relationships, or, even worse, dressing down a subordinate, these conversations are held in the audience of other friends or peers.  You can see the pained expressions in those friends and co-workers' eyes, the awkwardness that ensues, and rarely, if ever, is there a follow-up scene with an apology for the inappropriateness of the conversation.

While you think it makes for good TV or movies, it makes for bad management.

Please stop.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. It is extremely rude to whisper in front of other employees or colleagues. It always implies that what they are talking about concerns you..
