I've been on the road most of the day traveling from Michigan to Wisconsin, but I wanted to respond to Laurie Ruettimann's post on the current SHRM election. She was kind enough to vote for me, along with the rest of the 8 Man Rotation (Lance Haun, Tim Sackett, Kris Dunn, Steve Boese) for the 2013 SHRM Board of Directors.
I can't speak for the rest of my 8 Man Rotation brethren, and I am not sure I will have the time in 2013 to attend the SHRM Board meetings, along with the concomitant requirements of serving, but, if elected:
1. I will not fly first class. I'll settle for an exit row along with frequent delivery of Diet Coke to my seat from a flight attendant.
2. Any monies received from serving on the Board will be redirected immediately to the SHRM Foundation.
Also, note that the8manrotation.com will be up and running by 2013.
In the meantime, while voting for the 8 Man Rotation for the 2013 SHRM Board of Directors, you can read the 2010 edition and the 2011 edition of "The 8 Man Rotation - A Look at Sports and HR."
Thanks for the support Laurie
I concur. Though I promise to travel first class whenever possible. Sorry Bruno, see you at baggage claim.