Here are the questions and answers that took place:
Q1 - What are the benefits of working with a SHRM student chapter?
The participants found a number of reasons to engage with student chapters:
- Students were going to be their future peers; the professional chapter's future depended on them
- Student chapters provide quality access to interns, as well as served as a source to fill future vacancies
- To break down generational barriers
- To fill a programming niche at the professional chapter, as students choose and present a topic of interest to professionals
Q2 - What are you, your professional chapter or State Council doing to support your SHRM student chapter?
- Providing free professional chapter membership to students
- Mentoring
- Providing for discounted, or free, registration at chapter meetings, or the state conference
- Providing speakers
- Job shadowing opportunities
- Offering the opportunity to tour a company's plant or workplace
- Financial support - $500 if the chapter earns a Superior Merit Award, $250 if they earn a merit award
- State Council offers $100 to each student chapter that submits a merit award
Q3 - What are the biggest challenges you face in working with a SHRM student chapter?
- The schedule often made planning difficult with the academic calendar running from August-May, which the professional chapter goes from January to December.
- Student turnover made building relationships difficult
- Students often lacking the time to connect or showing interest in the professional chapter
- Make working with student chapters a bigger part of SHAPE
- Address current chapter bylaws to create a student member category
- Examine new ways for chapters to communicate with students
- Be clearer with professional chapters about the challenges inherent in working with student chapters
Q5 - Based on tonight’s discussion, what is one thing you will do to help your student chapter this year?
- Create a Student Core Leadership Area representative for the chapter
- Create a membership category for students
- Be more aggressive in connecting with the student chapter(s) in the area
- Expand opportunities for students at the state level
- Encourage greater volunteering among professionals with the student chapter
- Utilize Tara Fournier, SHRM's Manager of Member Engagement, as a resource
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