
Friday, January 23, 2015

#HR Hero - Victorio Milian #TimSackettDay

Tim Sackett Day began three years ago as a way to recognize those hard working HR professionals grinding away doing the real influencing on a day-to-day basis. The 4th recipient of this day of recognition is the great Victorio Milian.

In 2009, as a professor, I was frustrated with the lack of timely information on 21st century HR.  Textbooks always felt too theoretical and, while grounding the student in some of the basic terminology, they didn't breathe the language HR professionals were talking about on a daily basis.  So, I entered the social online world of Twitter and blogging as a way to better prepare students for the world of work they were entering.

Early on, Victorio was one of the names that began to stand out.  His active participation in the HR Happy Hour caught my attention, and checking in on his Creative Chaos HR blog became a part of my daily routine.

Of particular note was a commitment to furthering the profession by focusing on those entering the field.  His HR101 e-book, featuring perspectives on basic HR topics from expert HR professionals, became a regular part of my students reading list each semester.  I had the opportunity to contribute to another e-book "We are the Future" in 2012 that addressed the fears HR students had as they made the transition from school to work.

As I've gotten to know Victorio over the past few years, his commitment to the HR profession is a reflection of Victorio as a person....devoted father and husband, music aficionado, and comic book fan.

Fortunately, for those who have been helped by and gotten to know Victorio, know he is worthy of being a HR Hero that rivals anything that Stan Lee or Marvel have ever dreamed up.

Congrats Victorio!

You can connect with Victorio on
Twitter: http://twitter.con/Victorio_M



  1. I like how business-related classes and human resources is starting to have professionals in the field be the ones teaching the students. Books can only do so much without practical experience.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with the above comment. Practical experience is what will provide real insight into business processes.\
