
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Tomorrow, I head to Las Vegas for the SHRM 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition.  Like last year, I will be blogging it up...In the spirit of Spinal Tap's noted auteur, Marty DiBergi, I hope to capture...the sights, the sounds...the smells....of the 2011 Annual SHRM Conference. I hope to get that...and a lot more. But, hey, enough of my yakkin'....

So, what do you all want to read about from the conference? What stories do you want to hear about? Here are some of the initial blog ideas I hope to bring you:
  1. Behind the scenes of the student conference - Every Saturday, SHRM Student Programs puts on a mini-conference for students and student chapter advisors. This year, it will include a social media panel with the likes of John Nykolaiszyn, Matt Charney, Robin Schooling, and Laurie Ruettimann. What does the Future of HR look like?
  2. Attending the SHRM Annual Conference as a student. What does a student expect to capture from his or her attendance? What did he or she think about the experience? What did he or she think about the exhibit hall? Was he or she treated well by fellow HR professionals? Exhibitors?
  3. The Exhibit Hall - what were the best and worst displays? What were the best and worst freebies? Will once again bring the biggest menace to the exhibit hall experience...the rollerbag!?!?
  4. Does any one really win at the exhibit hall? By now, many are receiving conference pamphlets from vendors requesting that they stop by a vendor's booth for a chance to win an iPod, Garmin, TomTom, iPad, gift card, etc. This will be my 11th SHRM Annual Conference, and in the previous 10 years I've won bupkus. Do people really win the prizes advertised?
  5. The party scene - Lots of parties night to counterbalance the bevy of educational opportunities in the day.  Sunday brings you the TLNT Tweet-up.  Monday has The SHRM11 TweetUp and the Badger Bash (sponsored by the WISHRM state council).
  6. Other topics may include SHRM's Academic Initiatives as well as the SHRM Foundation.
What do you want to read about?


  1. Matthew - I'd love to hear you gauge the engagement of the attendees as HR professionals. Is that good/bad/indifferent? How does that appeal to students? After they see SHRM National - does it make them want to be in HR more or less? Just my thoughts . . .

  2. Matthew, will you be attending any HRCI events while at SHRM 11?
