
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Such a Good Thing

The SHRM 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition is mere days away.  

I know you're excited. You've bought your new outfits from Ann Taylor.  You packed your comfy shoes.  You've been told to take off your badge as you leave the convention center.

However, I have one piece, THE piece, of advice for the 17,000 new and returning attendees that you haven't been told:


What does this mean?

1. Slower Traffic Keep Right.
Yes, this is just like the highway, except there is a lot more traffic in a much more confined space.  People are trying to get to sessions, meetings, etc., and walking slowly, in the middle of any pathway, checking your e-mail or Twitter updates on your Blackberry or iPhone is not helping anyone.

2.  If you are wearing a backpack or pulling a rollerbag, be aware of your surroundings especially if you are coming to a stop or turning around.  Most likely, you are going to trip someone, or knock over the $8 Starbucks he or she just purchased.

3.  If you see a friend or colleague, don't stop in the middle of the aisle to start up a conversation.  Keep moving and find a more remote location to continue speaking.  This is particularly true in the crossroads of the expo hall.

If you follow the above, you are not only going to make yourself, but others around you that much happier.

Now, kids, get off my lawn, and enjoy the conference.

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