If you watch any college sports, I'm sure you've seen a variant of this video:
The message resonates: There are more than 380,000 student-athletes and most of them go pro in something other than sports. They put in time, energy, sweat, tears, body and soul into serving the sport, their coach and peers, and fans. Yet, for most, the end result is not a lucrative sports contract.
Imagine, then, you are a football player at Penn State University. Sanctions have just been announced that effectively cut off many of the benefits of the "job" you currently have undertaken. No bowl game at the end of the season to reward good performance...having to do more with less as scholarships have been taken away...reputation of your organization dragged through the mud. You've been "punished" for a very serious crime for which you had no knowledge of or involvement.
A lifeline has been offered...you have the opportunity to transfer to another academic institution and get immediately playing time (instead of having to sit out a year). Do you take it?
Soon after the sanctions were announced, approximately 25 players at Penn State made a statement that they are sticking with their commitment. Senior Michael Mauti stated, "“This program was not built by one man and this program is sure as hell not going to get torn down by one man."
If they are willing to stick to their organization, despite the sullied brand and lack of tangible rewards (outside of their scholarship and education) for the next few years, wouldn't that be an asset to be cherished down the road as you look to fill a position for which that former football player is qualified?
- 2 comments • Category: #8manrotation, commitment, HR, Penn State, sanctions
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by Unknown on July 26, 2012 at 6:45 PM. #
by Assignment Help Online on January 6, 2024 at 3:27 AM. #