In February, I noted on this blog that the state of education regarding HR Technology is lacking. In particular, A 2013 SHRM Survey
of 372 HR faculty (out of 1,723 invited to participate) noted that 61% of faculty cited Human Resource Information Systems as a
perceived deficiency in HR training offered to undergraduate HR students.
That is why I am excited to join fellow 8 Man Rotation member, Tim Sackett, in Park City, Utah, June 1-4 at HireVue's First Digital Disruption Conference (you can read his pre-conference take here).
They have a rich agenda with keynotes from Billy Beane (General Manager of the Oakland A's), Jason Averbook (Chief Business Innovation Officer with Appirio), and International Best Selling Author, Shawn Achor.
Three particular sessions have caught my eye.
Three particular sessions have caught my eye.
1. Given my academic background, I am interesting in hearing how Texas Instruments is engaging with students and improving campus recruiting efforts.
2. Given the 8 Man Rotation emphasis on Sports & HR, coupling Billy Beane with Mike Danubio, HR Manager of the Boston Red Sox, will likely prove enlightening.
3. Aon Hewitt & Caesar's Palace will share their insight on hiring technology accelerators to shrink a pool of nearly 5,500 applicants in only 5 weeks.
The full agenda can be found here.
If you are attending, please let me know, as I would love to connect.
If you are not attending, you can follow all the action at #VueDD.
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