Tim Sackett Day began four years ago as a way to recognize those hard working HR professionals grinding away doing the real influencing on a day-to-day basis. As the hashtag suggests, the first recipient was the aforementioned Tim Sackett. In subsequent years, Paul Hebert, Kelly Dingee, Victorio Milian and Recruiting Animal have all been recognized.
This we recognize the very worthy Lisa Rosendahl. A long-time HR blogger, I had the opportunity to first meet Lisa at the first HRevolution held in Louisville in 2009 (She shares her experience here). She was kind, gracious, and I have been thankful for her friendship ever since.
She is a model for all that is good in HR through her continued work with the Department of Veteran Affairs, as well as her writing at her self-named blog, LisaRosendahl.com, as well as co-founder and editor of WomenofHR.com.
So, for all that is good in this crazy world, you'd be wise to connect with Lisa. She will make you a better person, or your money back.
Connect with her on Twitter
Connect with her on LinkedIn
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